
Hair transplantation is a proven surgery with assured results, you can take it as granted the transplanted hair really grows and it is for entire life. you can go for a hair cut and it regrows even after clean shave. Results depends on the no.of grafts implanted. we have expertise in creating natural looking and undetectable hair transplants.
Following the use of latest technology known as stereo microscopic dissection, it's possible to make very thin grafts which are called as"ultra refined follicles". These enable the surgeon to place them in the recipient area by making very tiny slits with micro-blades. After regrowth it gives very natural looking which mimicks your original hair.
As it is a very simple and very superficial procedure you need not anticipate any complications. As we are adapting the latest techniques none of our patients are getting any complications, and even we have sufficient equipment,training and special certifications like ACLS & BLS to take care of any untoward complications during the procedure or post surgery.
As we adapt all the pain minimising techniques during the procedure it involves very minimal, tolerable pain which you may feel for a fraction of seconds , only at the time of injection. After that you will be under local anaesthesia , in a relaxed mood, most of the time watching television or listening to music.
There are no major complications associated with hair transplantation. It is a simple and superficial procedure not involving the deep structures like nerves, vessels and vital structures. Rarely very minor complications like temporary facial swelling may occur in very negligible percentage of patients. which usually resolves on its own without any medication and very rarely some pimple like eruption can occur in the transplanted area which are also self remedial most of the times.
As hair transplantation is a day care and simple procedure the duration of stay in the hospital is 6-8hrs. You can go back within 1hr of the procedure and you can take rest at your home. second day you have to come for follow up for shampooing which is complimentary and you can start your normal work from third day itself.
Procedure can be done even without removing the hair from the scalp, however it is expensive compared to the procedure done with hair shaved. The option is left to the patient. If you opt for without shaving there will not be any major disfigurement at all, you appear exactly the same afterwards. In most of the cases on the 2nd day itself no one can detect that you have undergone hair transplantation.
Latest technology involves URFUG method, which gives more natural looking hair after growth. Which cannot be differentiated from the natural hair. This technology gives undetectable hair transplants so that your friend or hairdresser cannot detect that you have undergone hair transplantation.
The very older surgeries involved plug type transplants which has become obsolete. Even now some centres which cannot follow the latest methods and practising the earlier methods the results after hair transplant are detectable and can be identified by anyone. Hence the technique and technology the surgeon is adapting is very important.
As we are adapting the latest method tricophytic closure method and more refined techniques most of our patients are getting almost negligible and undetectable scars. Very rarely depending upon the individual healing characters and nature of skin (e.g.keloid) some patients may get detectable scars.
The surgery involves only the superficial layers of the scalp and not the underlying bone and structures furthermore as it is very difficult to damage the skull bone there is no injury to brain or other important nerves & vessels, so there is no scope for mental disturbance or any such related problem following the procedure.
Yes definitely you can cut your hair normally as you would do for your natural hair.
Minimum time required to see appreciable hair growth is between 8-9 months, as the time progresses the hair becomes thick and achieves the thickness equivalent to your natural hair within 18 months.
There is no upper age limit, even elderly patient of 80 yrs can also think about the procedure provided he is medically fit, the lower age limit depends on doctors discretion and the patient’s will to undergo the procedure.
It depends on the size of the balding area and quality & quantity of donor hair. It may vary anywhere between1-3 sessions depending upon the individual.
The quality of hair transplantation can be compared with regards to the hair line which is created and its’ naturalness, the placement of grafts and their natural orientation, the density of grafts placed per sq.cm and the scar appeared over the donor area.
Mega session involves transplanting 2000 to 2800 grafts per session.
Super mega session involves transplanting 2800 to 4000 grafts per session.
Giga session involves transplanting >4000 grafts per session.
Dense packing means transplanting more than 40 follicular units per sq.cm.
Most of the times companies try to attract the customers by projecting themselves that they are different . In hair transplantation also some may claim that their technique & instruments are great and patented. more
FUT (Strip) is like a straight and simple and most effective method for covering larger bald areas. With this even in a single session we can implant more number of grafts, sometimes amounting to even 5000 grafts. more