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  • Medical Tourism India for hair Transplant
FUE, Hair transplant videos ,Hair Transplantation in India,FUT hair transplant cost in india, Hyderabad,Delhi FUE, Hair transplant videos ,Hair Transplantation in India,FUT hair transplant cost in india, Hyderabad,Delhi
Micro Blades  
Readymade blades and instruments are always bigger in size and can create bigger slits in the donor area. By using them, we can’t make dense packing. So, very small sized micro-blades are to be used to facilitate dense packing and to achieve natural looking results.

These micro-blades are to be made by ourselves using special blade cutters which are very expensive. The sizes of these custom-made blades can be very small, even 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 mm sized are made and used.

Of all, the most important and skillful task is, implanting the refined follicular units into these micro-slits which is very difficult to acquire and practice. Only a few centers in the world have these extraordinary capabilities.